Finding My People

2:19 PM

Part of going to college is finding "your people," the people who become your closest friends in school, the people you eat dinner with more days than not and the people who you miss the most when you go home for the summer. 

Growing up and throughout high school I was always the kind of girl who had a handle-full of close friends from different walks of my life like school and church. These friends kept me sane and helped me become who I am today. These friends are, of course, still a big part of my life, and I don't mean to downplay their importance to me whatsoever. However, this post is about the girls in these pictures: "my new college friends." 

I knew people at Harding before I started college, but I was anxious to find my close knit group of friends that everyone supposedly finds during college. Turns out I was lucky. I found my people. 

In the fall I pledged the social club Delta Gamma Rho. Through this avenue I not only have found a place for myself to belong at Harding, but I met these girls, more commonly referred to as the "M Squad." 

I already knew them, but I distinctly remember interacting with Madison and Mackenzie during a club basketball game, and Morgan joined the "squad" shortly after. As we parted ways over Thanksgiving and Christmas we were happy to see our families and happy to be reunited, but leaving for the summer was a different story. The day we parted for the summer we each found it to be more difficult than we ever imagined. These girls had become my best friends, and we were going separate ways for the summer. 

Each of these girls is special to me, and I could not ask for better people to call "my people." Madison is kind and compassionate, Morgan is funny and considerate and Mackenzie is passionate and courageous. I admire these girls, and I consider myself lucky to be part of their lives. 

Best of luck to you ladies as you follow your own adventures and opportunities this summer! Thank you for making for first year at college unforgettable and unbeatable. I wouldn't trade my experiences and memories with y'all for the world. Don't forget to come back to Searcy in the fall and eat Chilis with me. Love you long time. 

P.S. Thanks for coming to Conway, letting me take you to Tacos4Life and doing a photoshoot with me. 

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