The Ancient City of Corinth

1:03 PM

The ancient city of Corinth, a day trip we took during the Greece portion of the trip, was most definitely my favorite of these day trips. I have split this one day into two posts: the ancient city of Corinth and the Acrocorinth. 
Corinth, the recipient of Paul's letter known as Corinthians, is one of the few places we went that had not been changed by the modern growth around it. Walking down the main street of the ancient city felt like walking down an ancient first century street. Before entering the protected area, we viewed one of the most physical proofs of Scripture in archeology - the Erastus Inscription. Due to the dating of the inscription which would have been in the streets, the mention of Erastus and his position are verified undoubtedly in Romans 16: 23 (and also mentioned in Acts and 2 Timothy). After viewing this artifact that many archeologists have tried to discredit, we entered what is considered the main part of the ancient city of Corinth to view multiple old distinguishable buildings, like the temple and meat market, and streets as well as other ruins. 
As we continued we came to the Bema, the public place of council and trial. At the Bema found in Corinth it is known that Paul did stand trial, but was not beaten. Nonetheless, Corinth's place of trial is one of the most fully found, thus allowing us to imagine what Paul did go through when he was beaten in other cities in the same manner as he was laid over the small stand with indentions made onto which arms could be held in place. 
The ancient city of Corinth was one of my favorite places simply because of the atmosphere preserved. I felt as if I was walking down the street of the ancient city because nothing had been changed, just imply uncovered. I felt the reality of the significance that other places held even though they had been tampered with and modernized, especially in Israel. After this we went the the Acrocorinth which will be in my next post. 

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