The Barker Family

6:23 PM

During my holiday break adventures I had the pleasure of having this cute little family as my first real photoshoot clients! When I got the call inquiring about the possibility of scheduling a shoot, my excitement levels rose to uncharted levels in mere seconds. Those who know me can tell you that doesn't happen very often. 

Having been connected by my college roommate, we did not meet until the day of the shoot, but I couldn't have been more pleased with the comfortable and relaxing atmosphere that allowed me to capture the true nature of their family. As most families with small children, Jace's unpredictable nature served as a tool that brought out the true personalities of all three of them. I found myself shooting almost constantly just to make sure I caught the small exchanges and interaction between them that were gone almost as quickly as they appeared. Overall, I  could not be happier with the results that seem to capture this loving family perfectly.

In addition to having one of the most fun shoots I have ever done, I also learned a lot from this experience with the Barker Family. I got real practice in working with clients and experimenting with the methods I would use for future clients. 

Thank you Matt, Allison, and Jace for allowing me to capture your precious little family! I hope you are as pleased with the results as I am! 

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