The Goswick Family

12:32 PM

This is the Goswick Family. These people are very near and dear to my heart. Their family has a wonderful story, and I am blessed to have been able to witness it. After meeting Sadie in the 2nd grade and becoming fast friends, I was often welcomed into their home as one of their own, whether that was in Mayflower, Oklahoma, Maryland or Kentucky. 

When we were in elementary school we would go across the street to Grandma Ruby and Grandpa Jack's house, particularly to the backyard where we would hang posters, light candles, shoot on their basketball goal, which we broke, and talk for hours. 

I spent a long weekend with them in Maryland, a weekend in Oklahoma and an entire week at their home in Kentucky. Just to clarify, they don't have home in all of these places simultaneously, but rather the Alexander's move around as a military family. I truly believe remaining close to them after being far away from each other more than together has created a unique, special relationship that can never be replaced. 

I have spent countless hours with Sadie and this family and in their homes, and I could not be more grateful for the relationships I have with them. I love them like my own family. 

Not to mention they have an adorable new baby I got to hold. Much love to you all. Thank you for all you have done for me in making me who I am today. 

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