Finding Triple Falls

12:06 PM

After the excitement of finding Falling Water Falls (see previous post), my spring break adventures quickly turned into waterfall hunts. This little treasure was our second find. 

Triple Falls, which is also called Twin Falls because the third falls is not always running, is found a short hike off of Camp Orr Boy Scout Camp on the Buffalo National River near Jasper, Arkansas. The trek to the falls was quite interesting. We spent most of our time driving down a curvy, bumpy, treacherous dirt road, but once we reached the bottom of the mountain and the boy scout camp, the hike to falls was brief and flat. The trail opened up to this little oasis dead-end that is home to this falls. 

We brought in a picnic lunch and spent a couple of hours here taking pictures, watching children play in the water and mud and enjoying the beautiful weather. Although it ended up being an all day excursion to find this falls, the result of finding a tucked away treasure was worth it. 

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