Join Me on My Journey

7:56 PM

I am new to this blogger thing, so let me introduce myself! I am a photography lovin’, long-worded writin’, Jesus followin’ journalism student at Harding University! I have been wanting to start a blog for a long time, and thanks to help from my good friend Haley, I finally did. I plan to use this blog as a platform primarily to share my photography along with maybe a few other things such as stories, experiences, and lessons learned since I best clear my head by writing about it.

I can’t even remember when I first fell in love with photography, but I do remember always loving to capture things that caught my eye. I love to try to capture a variety of things through photography, but I seem to be drawn to antique items, nature, or macro-photography. I use Lightroom to edit most of my images, and I can turn into a bit of a geek in excitement when I’m working on my pictures {you can ask my roommate}. I have been using a Sony A33 for the past few years, but I now have a Nikon D7200 and am already in love. 

Being a Journalism student at Harding University is almost too good to be true; I am loving every minute of it. Harding has always been the place I wanted to spend my college years, and now I am getting to do the things I love here too. I first realized that journalism was the path for me during my junior year of high school after writing a major paper in a college writing class {aka a really long paper I spent a whole semester on}. It began as a paper on the history of the digital camera and ended up as an amazing journey capturing a milestone decision in my life to pursue journalism; in the end, it was entitled “The Importance and Necessity of War and Conflict Photojournalism.” Ever since I realized that I could do the things I love, photography and expressing myself in writing, as a career field, I have become even more passionate about my writing and photography. 

I am so excited to share it with whoever will listen, with this blog as a platform!

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