Porto Rafti, Greece

3:33 PM

I know what you're thinking, how did this girl get pictures from Greece just out of no where?! Well, long story short, I spent 16 days in June on a trip to Greece and Israel with an honors group of other incoming freshmen from Harding University! Those 16 days were some of the most crazy, memorable, long, exhausting, exhilarating days of my entire life! Over the course of the trip we learned so much about the language, culture, and history and saw so many things; I still don't know how we did it all in so little time!

This will be the first in an extensive series of posts covering my trip and the different places we went and the things we saw and learned! I came home with over 1,000 images on my camera, and I am very pleased with the results. As I sort through them and edit them in small, related groups, I will be sharing them along side the memories and lessons with which I associate them! 

Being the first of many posts, this introductory post to the long strand to come contains images from Porto Rafti, home of the Harding University in Greece (HUG) campus. In result, it also served as our home-base during our time in Greece. We spent much time exploring the little town of Porto Rafti, which is about a 30 minute drive outside the historical city of Athens. We jumped off cliffs at "the point," swam in some of the beautiful bays and beaches you can see here, and simply explored the little hidden treasure that was the town of Porto Rafti, Greece. 

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